Uugalybougaly Part 3
Uugalybougaly: I live, I must take my revenge on Drew and Chris muhaha
Iron Man: look you called us we have to help you some how
Drew: fine fly us back home
Iron man: too much work
Chris: wait wait you built a super suit that blasts lasers and is invenceble but you can't use it to fly us home
Iron Man: look you called us we have to help you some how
Drew: fine fly us back home
Iron man: too much work
Chris: wait wait you built a super suit that blasts lasers and is invenceble but you can't use it to fly us home
Iron man: that's pretty far and I'm tired
Drew: then don't help us
Iron man: no no we flew all this way were doing something
Drew: then go get us something to eat
Iron man: I'm not your servent
Chris: ahhhhhh....can you fly us 10 feet that way
Iron man: yeah sure
Drew: finally, alright Chris we need to get to andrewgold headquaters
Chris: just to say it now don't ever call them again that was....just don't call them again
Drew: I wont
Chris: good please don't
Drew: yeah I wont do it again
Chris: great just don't do it again
Drew: yes! I wont darn it
Chris: good don't
Drew: Chris I already know not to
Chris: perfect don't call them again
Drew: go F*** yourself Chris
Uugalybougaly: perfect they're going to andrewgold headquarters and...am I talking out load...why do I do that....do I understand the plan better when I say it out load....I guess I'll go and kill them
(Drew and Chris arrive at andrewgold head quaters)