The Journey
if your reading this than good job. your almost there. ok. by now you have obviousely smited the wizard king and are on your way to defeat ganendorf. ok. remember that amulet you found in the troff back in qwerty. it will come in handy later on.
keep in mind this dragon will only carry you to the third bridge. but you need to get to the fifth. so, you will most likely need to find a ruby of some sort to reason with the uugalybougaly. he has the means to carry you even farther if you have the hefk shaped rock. so if you do, use it and skip to part twelve.
10) Reasoning with the uugalybuugaly
By now you have ridden the dragon all the way to the third bridge. however, you do not have the hefk shaped rock. so, if you have a ruby reed part A. if not, read part B.
A) So you now have a ruby. don’t let on until the uugaly asks “whats in it for me?”
at which point hold the ruby to the light in such a way that it sparkles. this will give him the incentive to take you to the fifth bridge when you ask.
B) Ok so you don't have a ruby. that is ok, because all the uugaly will do is protect you from the evil depths of the buxtar layer. however, you can do this yourself with oxyclean. it may be very hard to comprehend just how this works, but it will make sence once you are to that point. so just continue strait through the swamp marsh careful not to fall off of the cliff.
continue to part twelve.
11) The journey! all you have to do is find where the grey-bocks live and follow close to their homes. once you are on the other side of the ravine, you will know it. because you will see a waterfall. climbing up this waterfall are tiny fish called Que's (pronounced “q”) these are highly poisonous so i advise you to stay close to the canyon wall. once past the waterfall you will find something that will define the very existence of man.
A double rainbow.
i understand how estatic you must be. if you dont get the chance to see it in person, a fellow traveler posted a video on youtube about his sighting. but its no comparison to seeing it in person.
12) the fifth bridge
Weather you followed the double rainbow or you walked with the uugaly because you had a
hefk shaped rock, you should be nearing the fifth bridge. some call this bridge the killer. like their isnt really even a cool name or anything either. its just the killer. i know right? ok anyway the uugaly will only take you this far if you had the hefk shaped rock. mkay so part with him and don't forget to not cross the bridge. walk to the sixth bridge, where you actually can cross. you see the fifth bridge is old and ever since the third traveler i wouldent trust it. so use the sixth bridge. to get into the sixth bridge you must first give the witch your obolisk ring, and in return she will give you a dragon claw of unfrigginbelivable power. this will come in handy later on.
This concludes part one of The journey. Part two under construction.
Part Two: the golden wings of Xtraxy
1) After crossing the sixth bridge, walk into the cave, and you will soon cross paths with Matt Clarke. AKA the Questionable Man.
he will grant you permissions to sell the Endore Whispers to the Counsel.
Ok then the counsel will start singing “the chant of 100 barbeque lays” just ignore them and walk bye. by now David Bowie probably talked to you about some crystal ball crap, just forget him, he looks like a cat.
you will find well mopped clean hallways. walk through them in this order. after five doors walk right.. after two more doors walk left. take one more left you are now in the space whale testing facility.
here you can buy one jernobek block for the price of a space whale. so the only problem is, you need to buy a space whale. so, walk through the clearly marked “door of infinity”. here, you can catch the space whales you need.
to catch one, sing versus one and two of “the longest time” by billy joel. the whales love this sound so much, they beach themselves. the scientists will know what to do from here.
so, just go back in through the door of infinity, tell the scientists you beached a space whale, and get the jernobek block.
remember that amulet you found in the troff back in qwerty? remember how we told you to hang on to it?
well, take it out and notice the jernobek block has a cavity that perfectly fits it. so place it in this cavity, with the shiny side up.
now stand back because what will happen you may not be prepared for. the jernoblek block will turn into a giant taco that thinks he is the ruler of everything. ok. now quetly pull out your dragon claw of unfrigginbelivable power. be careful with this might weapon as it is a mighty weapon. not as mighty as the dragon claw of supreme birdness, but pretty unfrigginbilievable. you will find three lights on the side of this claw. a yellow, a feld graw, and a razzmatazz. press them in this order. 115114113112111 3603805.
ok? good. now this claw will become a cloaking device. as long as you are touching it, you and it are invisible. pretty sweet eh?
anyway so like now you can eat the tastyness inside the taco, killing it. to deactivate the invisibleness of the cloak, enter this combination. 03050249298541.
this dragon claw may come in handy, so hold onto it if you can. hey lets do something cool. if you can figure out what evenly multiplies by 8.0000000729000006633900060368491, you win. okay back to the point.
anyway so like you need to like you need to do some stuff. so like yeah.....