The Misadventures of Tirds n' Burtles
the year is 2012.1
a great storm of tirds over took burtlelands in a stormy storm.
burtleland fought back but failed.
Chris: Drew! did you get the mobile platform?
Drew: yeah... but i just discovered square isnt the shape of wheels.
Chris: umm yeah..
james: hey guys, oh im dead.
Drew: why does he always die so fast?
Chris: because you write these sketches.
Drew: ahh.
Chris: Shaun! get over here!
Shaun: sorry I was procrasterbating.
Drew: Nick! start up the choppers! its getting hot I need to cool down.
Cave Johnson: I dont want your damn lemons! what am i supposed to do with these?
Drew (over radio): Calab! gather up the troops!"over"
Caleb: dude im right here.
Drew: what's that "over"
Calab: what? I'm right next to you.
Drew: your next? stop talking so fast "over"
Calab: I'm right here
Drew: your right handed? "over"
Calab: gosh dang it I'll get the troops "over"
Drew: thank you that's much more clear. Gather the troops we are going to go scout but we're probably goin to end up fighting anywhay "over"
Calab: OK
Drew: what?
Calab: god F***in Over
Drew: Calm down lets go..... "over"
Calab: uhhhh.....
Chris: lets go
Rees: sir there's smoke over there lets go check it out
Chris: Lets go check it out
Drew: It's nothing just a forest fire it's nothing
Chris: look that cloud looks like a dog
Drew: wait a minute that's no cloud.. it's water vapor!
Rees: No that's a ship!
Calab: my god it's huge!
Drew: It's not moving..
Chris: Uhh guys no its a billboard for burger cache'.
Drew: they have good milkshakes
Chris: ya wait look some tirds
Chris: no, no, no. they don't notice us yet lets try to sneak away
Tirds: well now we notice you
Chris: can you just pretend you didn't hear us
Tirds: No
Chris: oh
Tirds: ya
Calab: Men open fire
Tirds: uhh yeah.. do the same, but don't hit any main characters.
Drew: watch the left flank get coverage on the cliffs Alpha Bravo and Charlie
Chris: maybe we should use Real guns instead of Nerf guns.
Drew: ya we should but Nerf guns are more funnerester.
Rees: why your grammar bad?
Chris: crapola everyone's dead except Me, You, Shaun, Calab, Rees, and Billy Bob.
Billy: no lets stay and... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
Drew: well hes dead lets go
Chris: OK were back at base.
Drew: did you really need to announce that? im right here, I know where we are.
Cam: sir these numbers are off the charts.
Drew: never tell me the odds
Cam: what? i'm saying these numbers are off the charts.
Drew: then get some bigger charts.
Cam: sir! were detecting large amounts of gamma radiation
Chris: the sun is out today
Cam: Not from the sun, we think the Tirds are making some type of weapon.
Drew: we must attack before they make this Sun Weapon you speak of.
Caleb: i'll gather the troops. OVER.
Drew: that's an order Caleb "over"
Caleb: I wasn't saying I wont do it "over"
Drew: Don't back talk me go get the troops
Caleb: I am
Chris: Good Evening Gentlemen, Woman, and Nomads. We have come up with an attack plan.
Drew: Each of you will have a group. Calab and Shaun your groups will attack strait forward. Cam your group will snipe from high grounds. Rees your group will be reinforcements surprize the Tirds in the middle of the Battle and Nick you cover from the air. finally me and Chris's group will break into there base and blow it up.... OK Chris that sounded good now lets try it for real on the troops.
Chris: OK
One briefing later....
Drew: everyone in position?
Calab: Yes sir
Nick: Yes sir
Rees: Yes sir
Shaun: Yes sir
Cam: Yes sir
Chris: lets do this!!
Drew: OK the battle has started this is our chance lets go now
Tirds: stop right there we have you surrounded
Drew: OK men do the distraction just like we practiced
Drew, and Burtles :Oooooohhh ohh, ohh! for the longest time. woah, woh! for the longest time,
Chris: If you say goodbye! to me, tonight.... there would, still be music left to write!. wooh ohh ohh, what else could I do? I'm inspired by you! that hasn't happened for the looongest time.
Drew: come on lets go now!!!!
Chris: that was great we did good.
Drew: ya we did but no time for celebrating now lets go set the charges
Chris: Heres the ammunition's room lets set charges here it will the best place
Drew: Oh no more Tirds Cover the door Chris set the charges
Main bad guy boss man face: stop right there I would'nt set those charges or...
Chris: well I already set them
Main bad guy boss man face: Oh well do'nt press that button
Drew: or what you'll use you gamma radiation gun
Main Bad Guy Boss Man Face: what are you talking about? my giant tanning both? oooowwwchie! why did you shoot me????
Chris: say hi to Leslie Nielson for me.
Drew: wow! dude why did you shoot him
Chris: He was the main Boss dude guy face man.
Drew: whatever
Chris: what do we do now?
Drew: I think I know...
The Tirds and Burtles decided there names sucked so they made new names the Tirds became Birds and The Burtles Became Turtles.
and that is where we get the term. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................