A New Song
Alright do we really have to tell you the intro?
I mean if you Haven't seen Star Wars then get out of here.
That's right I said the F word don't like it then get out of here.
Anyways now that we're done with that every good sketch or spoof
association has made a spoof on Star Wars though it's a great movie
It's a huge cliche. and George Lucas is an @sshole...but that doesn't mean
Star Wars is a bad Movie...In fact scientist has found that people that have not s Seen Star Wars are anyways lets start this Star Wars spoof ..
Rebel Captain: Mam' were being attacked
Princess Meagan: Really are we because I thought it was a SpaceQuake
Rebel Captain: well it's not
Meagan: I was being sarcastic.....anyway whos attacking us
Rebel Captain: the empire Mam'
Rebel: they're about to breach the ship get in position
Rebel: why are none of us prone right now we're just standing up and why didn't we grab some boxes or something for cover
Rebel: pew too, pew too,pew too... dang voice automated guns.. pew too, pew, too...AAHHH!!
Storm trooper: pew too, pew too...all of the ones here are dead sir
Dark Conor: search the ship find Princess Meagan
Cp-James-O: R2-Nick-2 where are you
Meagan: alright I but the disk in why isn't it loading
Nick: you put it in upside down eject it and but it back in
Meagan: alright
Nick: alright I'm reading...alright installing
Meagan: come on hurry up
Nick: yelling isn't going to help...alright it's done
Storm Trooper: over here come on
Meagan: oh crap Storm Troopers get that to Cam Wan Kenobi
Nick: alright
James: Nick who was that
Nick: The f***ing Princess who do you think
James: hey I didn't see her ...anyways lets get out of here come on
Storm Trooper: there's Meagan...stun pew her...seriously that was the first person I've ever hit with this thing and it wasn't even a kill
Dark Conor: there you are
Meagan: the alliance has many powerful friends you wont get away with this
Conor: hey you see this ...this is my I don't give a crap face...
Meagan: your wearing a helmet
Conor: whatever....where the freaking Empire the alliance can suck on that
On Tatonine....
Nick: where to now
James: lets go separate directions and get capture by Jawas
Nick: viewers lets go to Chris Skywalker
Aunt: take out the Garbage Chris
Chris: up yours...I'm going to go buy droids and go on many adventures with them
Aunt: over my burnt corpse
Chris: what ever
Uncle: come on Chris we're going to buy some droids
Chris: alright
Jawa: Zookinii
Uncle: I don't understand
Jawa: memes zoo bop
Uncle: I'll just take these two
Jawa: Zookinii
Uncle: all right Chris fix them up
Chris: alright
James: hello I'm Cp-
Chris: don't care
James: hey man did you know your Dad built me
Chris: what
Nick: dude don't spoil the story for him
James: well they never mention it...I mean Darth Vadar built me
Nick: just don't tell him
James: fine
Chris: alright Nick come here
Nick: alright
Chris: hm what's this
Nick: wait buffering video ...alright here it is
Meagan: Help me Cam Wan Kenobi your my only hope
Chris: is there any more to it
Nick: wait not that button
Princess Meagan: Really are we because I thought it was a SpaceQuake
Rebel Captain: well it's not
Meagan: I was being sarcastic.....anyway whos attacking us
Rebel Captain: the empire Mam'
Rebel: they're about to breach the ship get in position
Rebel: why are none of us prone right now we're just standing up and why didn't we grab some boxes or something for cover
Rebel: pew too, pew too,pew too... dang voice automated guns.. pew too, pew, too...AAHHH!!
Storm trooper: pew too, pew too...all of the ones here are dead sir
Dark Conor: search the ship find Princess Meagan
Cp-James-O: R2-Nick-2 where are you
Meagan: alright I but the disk in why isn't it loading
Nick: you put it in upside down eject it and but it back in
Meagan: alright
Nick: alright I'm reading...alright installing
Meagan: come on hurry up
Nick: yelling isn't going to help...alright it's done
Storm Trooper: over here come on
Meagan: oh crap Storm Troopers get that to Cam Wan Kenobi
Nick: alright
James: Nick who was that
Nick: The f***ing Princess who do you think
James: hey I didn't see her ...anyways lets get out of here come on
Storm Trooper: there's Meagan...stun pew her...seriously that was the first person I've ever hit with this thing and it wasn't even a kill
Dark Conor: there you are
Meagan: the alliance has many powerful friends you wont get away with this
Conor: hey you see this ...this is my I don't give a crap face...
Meagan: your wearing a helmet
Conor: whatever....where the freaking Empire the alliance can suck on that
On Tatonine....
Nick: where to now
James: lets go separate directions and get capture by Jawas
Nick: viewers lets go to Chris Skywalker
Aunt: take out the Garbage Chris
Chris: up yours...I'm going to go buy droids and go on many adventures with them
Aunt: over my burnt corpse
Chris: what ever
Uncle: come on Chris we're going to buy some droids
Chris: alright
Jawa: Zookinii
Uncle: I don't understand
Jawa: memes zoo bop
Uncle: I'll just take these two
Jawa: Zookinii
Uncle: all right Chris fix them up
Chris: alright
James: hello I'm Cp-
Chris: don't care
James: hey man did you know your Dad built me
Chris: what
Nick: dude don't spoil the story for him
James: well they never mention it...I mean Darth Vadar built me
Nick: just don't tell him
James: fine
Chris: alright Nick come here
Nick: alright
Chris: hm what's this
Nick: wait buffering video ...alright here it is
Meagan: Help me Cam Wan Kenobi your my only hope
Chris: is there any more to it
Nick: wait not that button
Chris: ha ha Keyboard cat
James: well I'm out of power goodnight
Chris: yeah goodnight
The next day...
James: master Chris... Nick is gone
Chris: well lets go find him
A little while longer...
James: look there he is
Chris: Nick why are you out here
Nick: I don't know I drank some anti freeze and it all went down hill from there
Chris: oh no sand people
uugalybougaly: wal ha wol!!!
Chris: ahhh
Cam-wan-kenobi: Boo!
uugalybougaly: ahhhh!!!!!
Chris: who are you
Cam: I'm Cam
Chris: um Viewers we don't have that much time to do this sketch so lets skip some...just to the Kantina
Cam: I hear this guy..Drew solo has a fast ship there he is
Drew Solo: who are you
Cam: I'm Cam this is Chris...we hear your ship is fast
Drew: yes it's one of the fastest ship out can get up to 12 parsecs
Cam: listen I don't feel like bartering so here's 15 grand take us places
Drew: alright Reesbacca bring them to the Millennium Falcon
Rees: Grrrrrrrr
Drew: please don't do that gives me a huge headache
Rees: fine see you at the ship
Drew: alright
Greedo: stop right there you owe Christen the Hutt a lot of money
Drew: listen I was just on my way to pay him right now
Greedo: it's to late for that
Drew: pew too...better get out of here....but lets see what's in his just 20 bucks...well now I better get out of here
Chris: this is a piece of junk
Drew: oh I'm sorry is you spaceship better then my spaceship no your spaceship is probably way better...that's why you need my help
Chris: alright I'm sorry lets go
Storm Troopers: there they are get them
Drew: hurry in the ship
Storm Trooper: man we suck at aiming
Cam: head for Alderaan jumping to Hyper speed
Cam: man Hyper space looks weird
Drew: yeah always does the death star
Meagan: Governor Tarken I recognize your stench when I came on board
Governor Tarken : do I really smell that bad?
Conor: yeah you kinda do
Governor Tarken : oh well lets see what you think when we destroy your home planet of Alderaan that's it
Meagan: NO!
Governor Tarken: oh you said no I think i'll reconsider the weapon
Engineer: dddddooooooo
Meagan: up yours
Governor Tarken: AH! you kicked me...take her back to her cell
Back to the Millennium Falcon...
Cam: well better train Chris
Chris: look Cam I blocked a lazer I've got 300 points
Cam: let the force flow through you
Drew: ha
Chris: you don't believe in the force do you
Drew: what the thing you just found out about?
Chris: well you have a point
Drew: Oh crap we come out of Hyper space into an asteroid field
Cam: no that's Alderaan
Chris: lets head for the Metal like Moon with a lazer cannon on the top
Cam: that's no moon It's a space station
Drew: it has us in it's tractor beam well it wont get me without a fight...well I give up they got us
Cam: did you really expect to get out of that by pushing two buttons
Drew: well yeah
Chris: well now we're in the station and Storm Trooper's are coming
Drew: well crap...wait I have a plan
Storm Trooper: stop right there
Drew: punch, punch,punch kick,kick
Storm Trooper: this armor provides no protection
Drew: lets put on there armor to blend in
Chris: wait what about the bodies
Drew: eh
Chris: um alright
Storm Trooper: hey there Two oddly shaped storm troopers..Giant dog thing..two Droids, and Jedi
Drew: hurry we have to blend in
Chris,Can,Rees,Nick,and James: Oooooohhh ohh, ohh! for the longest time. woah, woh! for the longest time,
Drew: If you say goodbye! to me, tonight.... there would, still be music left to write!. wooh ohh ohh, what else could I do? I'm inspired by you! that hasn't happened for the looongest time.
Cam: alright you go get the princess Meagan I'll turn off the tractor beam
Chris: alright
Drew: well let's get to the detention level
Chris: well here it is
Officer: who are what are you doing
Drew: just dropping this look over there
Officer: what
Drew: pew too
Chris; I'll go get the Princess
Other Officer: (over radio ) what's going on there
Drew: everything's fine..just a weapon how are you
Officer: um alright kinda boring....wait a minute
Drew: pew too
Meagan: aren't you a little short for a storm Trooper
Chris: man these high heels don't work at all...any ways I'm here to save you with Cam-wan-kenobi
Meagan: Cam...alright lets go
Drew: pew too pew too pew too
Storm Trooper: pew too, pew too
Chris: pew too pew too
Meagan: give me that..pew too..come on in here
Chris: alright
Drew: well If there's any thing to trust it's a hole going to a random place in a giant space station come on Rees
Rees: it doesn't look safe
Drew: just come on
Rees: fine
Drew: great now we're in garbage...great Idea Meagan
Meagan: well you didn't need to follow
Drew: what ever
Chris: the wall are closing in on us
Drew: or we're growing
Rees: I think Chris is right
Chris: James we need you stop the moving wall
James: um alright
Chris: there thanks
Drew; now lets go
Cam: here it is the tractor beam...I wonder why they just have a switch for it and it doesn't even have any guards and why is the standing area so small?...whatever
Storm trooper: did you here that
Storm Trooper: probably just a drill
Storm Trooper; that's probably why we've been getting calls to get to the detention level because there's intruders
Conor: you were a fool to come here
Cam: and you were a fool for insurance.....Like a good neighbor state farm is there
State Farm Agent; hey there Cam what do you need
Cam: with a light saber
State Farm Agent: here you go
Cam: now lets battle Conor
Conor: bring it on
Chris: Cam!!
Cam: what AAAAHHHH!! why did you distract me I was doing I'm going to disappear
Chris: No!
Drew: come on Chris
Meagan: get us out of here
Drew: really because I thought sitting right here would be fun
Meagan: just go!!
Drew: alright
Chris; I can't believe he's dead
Meagan: I know your sad but I just lost my whole planet so you don't really have any ground here
Chris: Drew: where do we go now
Meagan: head for Yavin 4
Drew: alright going there
Rees: Grrrrr
Drew: I said don't do that
Rees: alright
Drew: well we're here
A little bit later...
Rebel Officer: alright so for some reason the death star has this lets shoot a missile into it
Chris: so Drew your taking your reward and leaving
Drew: um yeah that's why I helped you guys
Chris; well take care of yourself...that's obviously what your good at
Drew: I just drove you into a giant space station and then helped what the heck
Chris: alright Nick you ready for lift off
Nick: this spot doesn't seem safe
Chris: eh who cares
Nick: I do
Chris: what ever lifting off
Gold leader: approaching Death Star every one check in
Blue Leader: blue leader standing by
Chris: Red leader standing by
Pink Leader: OMG pink leader standing by ready for action silly
Black Leader: Black leader standing by
Rainbow Leader: Rainbow leader super stoned
Green Lantern: Green lantern standing by, No matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just over the horizon…
Razzmatazz Leader: Razzmatazz Leader standing by
Brown Leader: Brown leader standing by
White Leader: white leader standing by and ready to wimp out
Gold Leader: alright lets move in
Black Leader: I'm hit going down
White Leader: holy crap one person died I'm out of here
Chris: green lantern cover me
Green Lantern: In brightest day, in blackest night / No evil shall escape my sight / Let all who worship evil’s might / Beware my power, Green Lantern’s light!
Brown Leader: I'll cover you!!!
Chris: alright
Brown Leader; crap they hit me
Conor: now I have you
Nick: he hit me I told you this a terrible spot!
Chris: oh crap
Conor: time to die
Drew: oh Hell no!!
Conor: whose this
Drew: well haven't you heard about the Bird...Bu bu bu Bird bird bird well the Bird is the word
Chris: thanks
Drew: anytime Kid
Chris: alright time to blow this thing up
Cam: Chris use the force
Chris: are you sure because the targeting system works fine
Cam: just use the force
Chris: alright......shooting now....It went in.....lets get out of here
To Be continued....
James: well I'm out of power goodnight
Chris: yeah goodnight
The next day...
James: master Chris... Nick is gone
Chris: well lets go find him
A little while longer...
James: look there he is
Chris: Nick why are you out here
Nick: I don't know I drank some anti freeze and it all went down hill from there
Chris: oh no sand people
uugalybougaly: wal ha wol!!!
Chris: ahhh
Cam-wan-kenobi: Boo!
uugalybougaly: ahhhh!!!!!
Chris: who are you
Cam: I'm Cam
Chris: um Viewers we don't have that much time to do this sketch so lets skip some...just to the Kantina
Cam: I hear this guy..Drew solo has a fast ship there he is
Drew Solo: who are you
Cam: I'm Cam this is Chris...we hear your ship is fast
Drew: yes it's one of the fastest ship out can get up to 12 parsecs
Cam: listen I don't feel like bartering so here's 15 grand take us places
Drew: alright Reesbacca bring them to the Millennium Falcon
Rees: Grrrrrrrr
Drew: please don't do that gives me a huge headache
Rees: fine see you at the ship
Drew: alright
Greedo: stop right there you owe Christen the Hutt a lot of money
Drew: listen I was just on my way to pay him right now
Greedo: it's to late for that
Drew: pew too...better get out of here....but lets see what's in his just 20 bucks...well now I better get out of here
Chris: this is a piece of junk
Drew: oh I'm sorry is you spaceship better then my spaceship no your spaceship is probably way better...that's why you need my help
Chris: alright I'm sorry lets go
Storm Troopers: there they are get them
Drew: hurry in the ship
Storm Trooper: man we suck at aiming
Cam: head for Alderaan jumping to Hyper speed
Cam: man Hyper space looks weird
Drew: yeah always does the death star
Meagan: Governor Tarken I recognize your stench when I came on board
Governor Tarken : do I really smell that bad?
Conor: yeah you kinda do
Governor Tarken : oh well lets see what you think when we destroy your home planet of Alderaan that's it
Meagan: NO!
Governor Tarken: oh you said no I think i'll reconsider the weapon
Engineer: dddddooooooo
Meagan: up yours
Governor Tarken: AH! you kicked me...take her back to her cell
Back to the Millennium Falcon...
Cam: well better train Chris
Chris: look Cam I blocked a lazer I've got 300 points
Cam: let the force flow through you
Drew: ha
Chris: you don't believe in the force do you
Drew: what the thing you just found out about?
Chris: well you have a point
Drew: Oh crap we come out of Hyper space into an asteroid field
Cam: no that's Alderaan
Chris: lets head for the Metal like Moon with a lazer cannon on the top
Cam: that's no moon It's a space station
Drew: it has us in it's tractor beam well it wont get me without a fight...well I give up they got us
Cam: did you really expect to get out of that by pushing two buttons
Drew: well yeah
Chris: well now we're in the station and Storm Trooper's are coming
Drew: well crap...wait I have a plan
Storm Trooper: stop right there
Drew: punch, punch,punch kick,kick
Storm Trooper: this armor provides no protection
Drew: lets put on there armor to blend in
Chris: wait what about the bodies
Drew: eh
Chris: um alright
Storm Trooper: hey there Two oddly shaped storm troopers..Giant dog thing..two Droids, and Jedi
Drew: hurry we have to blend in
Chris,Can,Rees,Nick,and James: Oooooohhh ohh, ohh! for the longest time. woah, woh! for the longest time,
Drew: If you say goodbye! to me, tonight.... there would, still be music left to write!. wooh ohh ohh, what else could I do? I'm inspired by you! that hasn't happened for the looongest time.
Cam: alright you go get the princess Meagan I'll turn off the tractor beam
Chris: alright
Drew: well let's get to the detention level
Chris: well here it is
Officer: who are what are you doing
Drew: just dropping this look over there
Officer: what
Drew: pew too
Chris; I'll go get the Princess
Other Officer: (over radio ) what's going on there
Drew: everything's fine..just a weapon how are you
Officer: um alright kinda boring....wait a minute
Drew: pew too
Meagan: aren't you a little short for a storm Trooper
Chris: man these high heels don't work at all...any ways I'm here to save you with Cam-wan-kenobi
Meagan: Cam...alright lets go
Drew: pew too pew too pew too
Storm Trooper: pew too, pew too
Chris: pew too pew too
Meagan: give me that..pew too..come on in here
Chris: alright
Drew: well If there's any thing to trust it's a hole going to a random place in a giant space station come on Rees
Rees: it doesn't look safe
Drew: just come on
Rees: fine
Drew: great now we're in garbage...great Idea Meagan
Meagan: well you didn't need to follow
Drew: what ever
Chris: the wall are closing in on us
Drew: or we're growing
Rees: I think Chris is right
Chris: James we need you stop the moving wall
James: um alright
Chris: there thanks
Drew; now lets go
Cam: here it is the tractor beam...I wonder why they just have a switch for it and it doesn't even have any guards and why is the standing area so small?...whatever
Storm trooper: did you here that
Storm Trooper: probably just a drill
Storm Trooper; that's probably why we've been getting calls to get to the detention level because there's intruders
Conor: you were a fool to come here
Cam: and you were a fool for insurance.....Like a good neighbor state farm is there
State Farm Agent; hey there Cam what do you need
Cam: with a light saber
State Farm Agent: here you go
Cam: now lets battle Conor
Conor: bring it on
Chris: Cam!!
Cam: what AAAAHHHH!! why did you distract me I was doing I'm going to disappear
Chris: No!
Drew: come on Chris
Meagan: get us out of here
Drew: really because I thought sitting right here would be fun
Meagan: just go!!
Drew: alright
Chris; I can't believe he's dead
Meagan: I know your sad but I just lost my whole planet so you don't really have any ground here
Chris: Drew: where do we go now
Meagan: head for Yavin 4
Drew: alright going there
Rees: Grrrrr
Drew: I said don't do that
Rees: alright
Drew: well we're here
A little bit later...
Rebel Officer: alright so for some reason the death star has this lets shoot a missile into it
Chris: so Drew your taking your reward and leaving
Drew: um yeah that's why I helped you guys
Chris; well take care of yourself...that's obviously what your good at
Drew: I just drove you into a giant space station and then helped what the heck
Chris: alright Nick you ready for lift off
Nick: this spot doesn't seem safe
Chris: eh who cares
Nick: I do
Chris: what ever lifting off
Gold leader: approaching Death Star every one check in
Blue Leader: blue leader standing by
Chris: Red leader standing by
Pink Leader: OMG pink leader standing by ready for action silly
Black Leader: Black leader standing by
Rainbow Leader: Rainbow leader super stoned
Green Lantern: Green lantern standing by, No matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just over the horizon…
Razzmatazz Leader: Razzmatazz Leader standing by
Brown Leader: Brown leader standing by
White Leader: white leader standing by and ready to wimp out
Gold Leader: alright lets move in
Black Leader: I'm hit going down
White Leader: holy crap one person died I'm out of here
Chris: green lantern cover me
Green Lantern: In brightest day, in blackest night / No evil shall escape my sight / Let all who worship evil’s might / Beware my power, Green Lantern’s light!
Brown Leader: I'll cover you!!!
Chris: alright
Brown Leader; crap they hit me
Conor: now I have you
Nick: he hit me I told you this a terrible spot!
Chris: oh crap
Conor: time to die
Drew: oh Hell no!!
Conor: whose this
Drew: well haven't you heard about the Bird...Bu bu bu Bird bird bird well the Bird is the word
Chris: thanks
Drew: anytime Kid
Chris: alright time to blow this thing up
Cam: Chris use the force
Chris: are you sure because the targeting system works fine
Cam: just use the force
Chris: alright......shooting now....It went in.....lets get out of here
To Be continued....